There are other cool aspects of the CD; the opening track, “Beautiful Wreck” starts with Holly Ramos saying a single word – “sing” – and ends with car-crash sounds. Ramos begins “Ocelot” – a species of wild cat that is also known as the dwarf leopard – with a series of “meow’s”, probably as a counterpoint to the closing line: “Don’t try being something that you’re not.” The word is spelled “oceolot” twice on the CD insert; that might be an alternate spelling, but in any case, “oceolot” gets 122,000 hits on Google.
(June 2013/2)
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YouTube has all or most of the songs by the band Fur (all audio-only). Their minor hit “Sex Drive” can be heard at: . The opening track “Beautiful Wreck” (with slightly better audio quality) is available at: . The slower “James Brown” is at: . There are also some great songs by Fur lead singer Holly Ramos that you could check out.
(June 2015)