Are You Ready?


Are You Ready?” by Pacific, Gas and Electric is a long-time favorite of mine that is more of a straight rock song; it is sort of an analogue to People Get Ready” by the Impressions. 


Are You Ready?” came out in 1970 and reached #14 on the Billboard Hot 100.  This might be the first mention of the prophesied Second Coming of Jesus in popular music:  “People say that He won’t come / And I don’t know, what say you / But if He should, would you be the one? / I’ve got a little question I’d like to ask you / (chorus) Are you ready to sit by His throne? / Are you ready not to be alone? / Someone’s coming to take you home / And if you’re ready, then He’ll carry you home.”   


(July 2014)


Last edited: March 22, 2021