Google Sites is a structured wiki- and Web page-creation tool offered by Google. The declared goal of Google Sites is for anyone to be able to create simple web sites that support collaboration between different editors. (More from Wikipedia)
My website, home continues to grow. I now have about one-half of the posts fully indexed and distributed onto their individual web pages – from December 2009 through June 2012. I recently posted the 2011 index, showing about 1,200 web pages. I ran out of room on the Google Sites URL above, so I started a second website – – and they link together very nicely. I am about 64% through with the second website, so a third one is coming. This was not my original plan; I have tried setting up a website elsewhere or moving to another section of Google Sites that has 10 times the available space, but nothing has worked out so far. But I learned a long time ago that finding a workaround is crucial to using computers, if not to life itself.
What I was thinking about for next year is to revisit the UARB’s and UARA’s on their fifth-anniversary month and expand on what I had written earlier. I think that I will wait a year on that at least: too much else to do with the website and all, not to mention my full-time job as a real estate appraiser.
(Year 5 Review)
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Besides my usual commitments at work and at home, I am still busily sorting out my past UARB/UARA posts into my website on Google Sites, which can be found at: . I am up to nearly 2,000 web pages now, and I am getting into the meat of the writing: I am now working on my “what might have been” post in June 2013 about “the day the music died” that includes info on various rock and roll pioneers. That was the first time that I exceeded the 65,536-character limit that Facebook has on their posts. That has happened several times since, including twice this year alone. I have made a couple of additions throughout the website in the past year: I now have introductory sections from Wikipedia (except naturally for the Under Appreciated pages) at the beginning of each web page. I also figured that I didn’t have quite enough colors yet, so I have marked place-names with violet (though I have not tried to set up any web pages on those).