But for sheer "what-were-they-thinking" wonderment, it is hard to top the name the Cretones; who knows how much more success they could have had with a less cringe-worthy name. Mark Goldenberg (guitar), Peter Bernstein (bass) and Steve Beers (drums) were the core of the backing band for past UARA Wendy Waldman on what for my money is her strongest album, Strange Company (1978). The Cretones were born after the three added Steve Leonard (keyboards).
(July 2012)
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The Iguanas has taken first place among the least likely UARB or UARA of them all, even beating out the Rip Chords and Wendy Waldman, who was just the second rocker that I wrote about. One would think, with Iggy Pop’s unparalleled punk credentials, that every aspect of his musical life would have been examined in detail in Wikipedia long before now. But not even the band that gave him his name is there. Amazing. To cap it off, the Iguanas band that Iggy Pop was in is listed in Allmusic after another band called the Iguanas, from New Orleans; and they are the third Iguanas band in the Discogs list.
(December 2016)
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The post on Trillion in particular was long because this band is/was chock-full of extremely talented musicians that included Patrick Leonard, one of the major forces behind Madonna’s incredible musical career – and that was just the beginning. In my mind, this band is second only to Wendy Waldman as the most unexpected absence from having a Wikipedia article (the sole criterion I have for marking Under-Appreciated status). The only reason that it wasn’t even longer is that I had already discussed guitarist Frank Barbalace as a member of previous UARB Wild Blue.
(Year 3 Review)