UNDER-APPRECIATED ROCK BAND OF THE MONTH FOR JUNE 2012: WILD BLUENever having been in a band, I can't say for sure; but it seems to me that choosing just the right name has to be a major decision. Many bands go through several names before settling down. The Beatles, for instance, cycled through a long list of names beginning in March 1957, many totally unknown to their fans: the Blackjacks, the Quarrymen, Johnny and the Moondogs, the Beatals, the Silver Beetles, the Silver Beatles, and finally the Beatles in mid-August 1960. It was Stu Sutcliffewho, in January 1960, came up with the name 'the Beatals' ' as a tribute to the name ofBuddy Holly's band the Crickets' so he should rightly be credited with the name we all knew them by. (Another British band was more direct in their honoring of Buddy, the Hollies). By the way,Pete Bestwas hired as the permanent drummer forthe Beatleson August 12, 1960 ' within days of their starting to use the name without 'Silver' ' and Ringo Starrwouldn't be brought in for two more years.
The simplest possible band name was taken by a group of fine musicians who played back-up for Bob Dylan for many years, beginning in 1967with what became known as The Basement Tapes. The story that I heard (there are several as to the origin of the name) was that Dylan typically referred to them in conversation as 'the band', and eventually they adopted the nameThe Band. But that was not their first name. Over a period of several years, the members gradually joined the backing band for rockabilly singer Ronnie Hawkins, which was called the Hawks. After Hawkins himself left, they were known briefly as the Levon Helm Sextet, but then quickly settled on the name that their fans have often heard, Levon and the Hawks. However, several years later (in 1965), they released a single under the name the Canadian Squires. (Actually Levon Helmwas the only member of The Bandwho was from the U.S.).
This month's entry,WILD BLUE is another band that had a hard time settling on a name. I guess that this is something of a sequel to the article on last month's UARB, Tina and the Total Babes, since this band is a part of the scene that T&TB's were saluting in their 2001 album. The Wild Blue album showed up just as the New Wave was ebbing, and that might have been the reason that it was overlooked.
Wild Bluegrew out of a Chicago group called Jinxthat toiled in the local club scene beginning in the late 1970's. The core members of this band were Joe Zanona(keyboards), Terry Curtin(bass guitar), and Frank Barbalace(guitars). They had been looking for a female vocalist, and they found one in Renee Varo; Mike Neff was also added as the drummer. A few years later though, they got a dreaded call: There was a cabaret singer from California who had been using the name Jinxfor some 15 years. They tried to work out a deal with her, but to no avail, so they started calling themselves Wild Blue. Thus, the name of their first LP, No More Jinx is basically an inside joke.
The band had already been signed to a two-album deal with Chrysalis Records, and they began laying down the tracks for their first album in 1985. Chrysalis caused unnecessary friction in the band, however, by flying Renee Varoand Joe Zanonaover to London to record half of the album with other studio musicians. (They were also the only two bandmembers to make the front cover). About this time, Terry Curtin and Mike Neffquit; they were replaced by Mike Gorman (bass) and Ken Harck (drums), two members of a late 1970'sChicagopower-pop band called Off Broadway (Mike Neff had also been in that band). Also, Chrysalis decided that they wanted to try to find a new name for the band ' they had liked Jinx, but not Wild Blue' and they delayed the release of the album until early 1986, leaving the band in limbo for several months. By October 1985, it had been over a year since their last live date.
Frank Barbalaceis also a member of a well-regarded progressive-rock band (also from Chicago) called Trillion. I won't say anything more about that for now, because they will likely be a future UARB before the end of the year.
Anyway, Frank Barbalaceis ambitiously advertising on his website a two-CD collection of most of his recorded works ' Wild Blue, Trillionand other material, including some that he did with who I gather is his wife Rebecca Barbalacein a band called Ondavon ' for a $50 tab. Oddly, there are only three tracks from the No More Jinx album that are listed. He was one of the bandmembers who was left behind when most of the recording was done across the pond; and these are the songs that he co-wrote, though he also played guitar on one of the best songs on the album, 'Fire with Fire'.
But what is interesting about this offer is that this is the only reference on the Internetthat I have been able to find of a second album by Wild Bluecalled Primitive Prayer. Primitive Prayer is evidently the new name of the band as well, since the name Wild Blue had been dropped according to several newspaper and magazine articles about the 'upcoming album', and it was to come out on a different label called Pasha Records. Besides these various articles though ' and there were quite a few of them, which tells me that Wild Bluehad a lot of fans, at least in the Chicago area ' I could find nothing else about the album other than what is available on his website. Whether the album was actually released or not is unknown to me.
The band that comes to mind when I think of Wild Blueis a long-time favorite of mine called Face to Face(not the punk rock band of the early 1990's called Face to Face), which released several albums in the 1980's and had a minor hit with '10-9-8'. While not part of the Christian contemporary music scene, they were instead a mainstream rock band that soft-pedaled their Christianity. Their eponymous first album, Face to Face (released in 1984) features a song called 'Under the Gun' that ' like Blondie's early foray into hip-hop, 'Rapture' (from 1980) ' includes a long verse that is spoken rather than sung. I can't prove it, but from what I can tell, this qualifies as the first Christian rap song. After many years of hunting, I found two later albums by Face to Face, plus a 12' single for 10-9-8.
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Flashback: The Under-Appreciated Rock Band of the Month for June 2010 ' Waterlillies.
This was my first 'modern' band, since they dated from the early 1990's. At least it seemed that way to me at the time; now though, their first album Envoluptuosity was released over 20 years ago. It is one of my shortest articles, since I could find out virtually nothing about them. As long as I am giving links to songs, I might as well show a link to my original article on Waterlillies: .
As with my first UARB, Beast, I had a tough time finding any videos on YouTube; but there are several. The edgy 'Junior VasquezDeep Factory Mix' of 'Tempted' (which runs over 10 minutes) and both the 'Apple CrumbleMix' and 'The 303 Mix' of 'Never Get Enough' are out there if you want them, but they don't really sound much like the band to me. Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, that is the extent of the songs from the second album, Tempted.
The Honor Roll of the Under Appreciated Rock Bands and Artists follows, in date order, including a link to the original Facebookposts and the theme of the article.