Fresh Air is an American radio talk show broadcast on National Public Radio stations across the United States since 1985. It is produced by WHYY-FM in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The show’s host is Terry Gross. As of 2017, the show was syndicated to 624 stations and claimed nearly 5 million listeners. The show is fed live weekdays at 12:00 noon ET. In addition, some stations carry Fresh Air Weekend, a re-programming of highlights of the week’s interviews. In 2016, Fresh Air was the most-downloaded podcast on iTunes. (More from Wikipedia)
In an interview on the National Public Radio radio program Fresh Air, as reported in Wikipedia: “The group’s name ‘the Black Keys’ came from an artist diagnosed with schizophrenia, Alfred McMoore, that the pair knew; he would leave incoherent messages on their answering machines referring to their fathers as ‘black [piano] keys’ such as ‘D flat’ when he was upset with them.”
(June 2017)