The Voice is an American reality television singing competition broadcast on NBC. Based on the original The Voice of Holland, the concept of the series is to find new singing talent (solo or duets) contested by aspiring singers, age 15 or over, drawn from public auditions. The winner is determined by television viewers voting by telephone, Internet, SMS text, and iTunes Store purchases of the audio-recorded artists’ vocal performances. They receive US$100,000 and a “record deal” with Universal Music Group for winning the competition. (More from Wikipedia)
Why celebrate under-appreciated rock stars anyway? There is certainly no shortage of music in the world today (rock or otherwise). On television alone, musical shows abound, from American Idol to Glee to America’s Got Talent to The X Factor to The Voice. Though not the force it once was, broadcast radio and satellite radio alike are still vital forums for music of all types. Walk through any mall in America, and you might hear as many as 5 or 6 songs at once coming from various stores and carts. I am just starting to appreciate the depth of the reportedly millions of videos that have been posted on YouTube.
(January 2012)