Two a Penny is a 1967 British film, released nationally in 1968, featuring singer Cliff Richard. The film was directed by James F. Collier and produced by Frank R. Jacobson for Billy Graham’s film distribution and production company World Wide Pictures. The original story and screenplay was written by Stella Linden. The cast included Ann Holloway, Dora Bryan, Avril Angers, Geoffrey Bayldon, Peter Barkworth, Mona Washbourne, Earl Cameron, Charles Lloyd-Pack, and Billy Graham himself, filmed at his “London Crusade” in 1967. (More from Wikipedia)
Cliff Richard became actively Christian in 1964 and managed to balance his faith and his career, singing both secular and religious music. He appeared at several Billy Graham Crusades and played a young man involved in selling drugs in a 1967 film called Two a Penny that was released by Billy Graham’s World Wide Pictures. A soundtrack album called Two a Penny was also released.
(November 2014)