But the bandmembers in Fur would not. Most of the music on the Fur CD is in 3rd or 4th gear; in fact, on “Sex Drive”, the song moves from 3rd gear to 4th gear when the tape speeds up in a way. However, on one track, “James Brown” – still another legend that I don’t have room for here – the band slows down to a respectful pace; Holly Ramos even counts down before starting to sing her lyrics:
“I met you once by chance like some lucky people do – I said I wasn’t wearing any underwear, & you smiled and you said, me too.” I assume that must be a true story of Holly Ramos’ meeting James Brown, because who could make up something like that? Ramos continues: “I know you wrote the book ’cause I see you got the scars – & all the other boys are trying hard but no one’s coming close to being how you are.”
Like the quotation that I have already given for “James Brown”, Holly Ramos’s lyrics are mostly conversational in nature, like something you might hear at a nightclub.
“James Brown” is full of pull quotes: “Get down to the sound”; “you talk about America & your God & your race”; and “But you give it all when you sing & baby I just wanna, gotta, hafta let you know that you saved my life with your stunning attack”. Honestly, it was all I could do to not give the full lyrics for “James Brown”.
(June 2013/2)
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