Donovan’s Brain is a 1942 science fiction novel by Curt Siodmak. The novel became an instant classic and was adapted for the big screen three times. Since then the book has become something of a cult classic, with fans including Stephen King, who discussed the novel in his 1981 book Danse Macabre. Siodmak later wrote a quasi-sequel in 1968 entitled Hauser’s Memory. (More from Wikipedia)
In 2003, Angie Pepper released her first full-fledged album, Res Ipsa Loquitor (the name is taken from a Latin legal term meaning “the thing speaks for itself”). Four of the tracks were recorded with a Montana psychedelic outfit called Donovan’s Brain (named after a 1942 science fiction novel, Donovan’s Brain that was made into a horror film on three occasions).
(December 2013)