Since I only have Cry of the City thus far, I have Phil Gammage’s playlist on from his website, Just one great song after another; they are mostly original songs, but one is a cover of “Baby, Let Me Follow You Down”, a traditional folk song that Bob Dylan included on his first album that I discussed earlier, Bob Dylan; another standout is an instrumental guitar-driven track called “Royal Flush”. (Two of Phil Gammage’s solo albums have been all instrumentals).
The playlist is mostly coming I imagine from his 2014 album Adventures in Bluesland that has made several “Best of 2014” lists by Rock NYC (New York), NBTMusic (Germany), Musik fra Kyst til Kyst (Denmark), and Insurgent Country Radio Girl (Holland). Iman Lababedi of Rock NYC Live and Recorded has written of this album: “It is really about Phil’s wonderful singing. . . . Phil doesn’t have a bad song in the bunch on this perfectly executed faux-blues album.”
(March 2015)