The two songs of theirs that I have appear on terrific hard rock/punk rock compilation albums by Dr. Wu Records: "Motochrist" on Cadillac Compilation Vol. I (1998) and "We Came, We Saw, We Drank" on Dr. Wu Records Compilation Vol. 2-000 (2000). Both Mötochrist songs are stomping punk rock classics, with suitably dark guitar pyrotechnics on what is basically their title song, and a welcome sense of fun on the latter song.
"Motochrist" and "We Came, We Saw, We Drank" both appear on the debut album by Mötochrist, having the dementedly playful title of 666-Pack.
(October 2014)
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As to the lyrics in the Betty Blowtorch song that I have, "Shut up and F--k" – taken from the same compilation album, Dr. Wu Records Compilation Vol. 2-000 (2000) as "We Came, We Saw, We Drank" by past UARB Mötochrist – I have nothing to add.
(June 2016)