Wayne's World

Wayne's World  was originally a recurring sketch from the NBC television series Saturday Night Live.  It spawned two films, and several catchphrases which have since entered the pop-culture lexicon.  The sketch centered on a local public-access television program in Aurora, Illinois, hosted by Wayne Campbell, an enthusiastic and sardonic long-haired metalhead, and his timid and sometimes high-strung, yet equally metal-loving sidekick and best friend, Garth Algar (Dana Carvey).  The first "Wayne's World" sketch appeared in the 13th Saturday Night Live episode of 1988/1989.  (More from Wikipedia)

In an interesting take on the legacy of this song, Wikipedia adds:  "Erik Davis, a social historian and cultural critic, commented on the song's massive success, subsequent backlash and enduring legendary status:  '"Stairway to Heaven" isn't the greatest rock song of the 1970's; it is the greatest spell of the 1970's.  Think about it:  We are all sick of the thing, but in some primordial way it is still number one.  Everyone knows it. . . .  Even our dislike and mockery is ritualistic.  The dumb parodies; the Wayne's World-inspired folklore about guitar shops demanding customers not play it; even Robert Plant's public disavowal of the song — all of these just prove the rule.  "Stairway to Heaven" is not just number one.  It is The One, the quintessence, the closest AOR [album-oriented rock] will ever get you to the absolute."  


(November 2014)


Last edited: March 22, 2021