“Tell Her No” is a hit single by British rock band The Zombies in 1965, featured on their eponymous debut album The Zombies. It peaked at No. 6 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in the United States in March 1965 and was one of three big American hits by The Zombies (the others being “She’s Not There”, in 1964, and “Time of the Season”, in 1969). (More from Wikipedia)
Phil and the Frantics is best known for a song called “I Must Run”, which was a local hit single in their native Arizona; the song is said to have been adapted rather openly from the flip side of the Zombies’ fourth single, “She’s Coming Home” b/w “I Must Move” (the follow-up to one of their biggest hits “Tell Her No”). I was unfamiliar with the Zombies song but have played it recently, and I don’t really see the resemblance; if the song titles weren’t so similar, it might have slipped through the cracks altogether. In any case, “I Must Run” is a superior recording to “I Must Move”, and I am not the only one who thinks so; my view is shared by that of Ugly Things magazine.
(August 2012)