The Raconteurs, also known as The Saboteurs in Australia, is an American rock supergroup that was formed in Detroit, Michigan, featuring four musicians associated with earlier musical projects: Jack White (formerly of The White Stripes, currently The Dead Weather, as well as solo), Brendan Benson (solo), Jack Lawrence (of The Greenhornes, Blanche and The Dead Weather), and Patrick Keeler (also of The Greenhornes). (More from Wikipedia)
Jack White’s next musical project, the Raconteurs grew out of the Do-Whaters that had backed Loretta Lynn on Van Lear Rose; the band was organized in 2005 by Jack White, Jack Lawrence and Patrick Keeler of the Greenhornes, and Brendan Benson (vocals, guitars, keyboards). Since a Queensland band was already using that name, they are called the Saboteurs in Australia. The Raconteurs was a high-profile band from the beginning, since Jack White was so well known.
(February 2015)