The 2008 album that I have, called simply Ron Franklin and released (where else) on one of the Bomp! labels (Alive), is actually Ron Franklin’s third album, and Allmusic gives it four stars. The recording quality is very clean (this is one of those albums where I own both an LP and a CD – not on purpose, but that is how it worked out).
(January 2012)
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There are several Ron Franklin songs on YouTube; here is a live performance of “The Elocutionist” from the album that I have, Ron Franklin: . “Dark Night, Cold Ground” is a little tougher, and this song comes directly from that album: . “Pontiac”, from that album, is also available, apparently as a live track at: . There is an older gentleman also named Ron Franklin who has many more videos on YouTube than the UARA does.
(February 2014)
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Here is the album by Ron Franklin that I have, Ron Franklin:
(January 2015/2)