One local band that is a personal favorite, the Rochelle Harper Band has a little more prominence than most, and they have been active on the Coast the whole time I have lived here (more than 15 years). I have two of their CD’s that were released about 6 years apart, Live at Castaways (Castaways is another long-lived nightclub in Ocean Springs) and Mississippi Hippie Blues (the title song “Mississippi Hippie Blues” is also called “The Shed Song”, after the popular barbecue and blues joint near Ocean Springs called The Shed – they won a national competition on Live with Regis and Kelly several years ago and achieved some odd measure of fame when their website was hacked last year by a Jihadi terrorist group).
Mississippi Hippie Blues (a great title for sure) has a “Peace Note” emblem that Rochelle Harper designed, and the CD came in a proprietary CD package that she also designed called “All-n-One” that folds beautifully around the CD. Her first national release, called Lilt came out earlier this year.
(December 2015)