BEAST Beast released two albums, and as far as I know, neither is yet available on CD. The album I heard years ago, Beast was released on Cotillion Records; to my delight, it was one of the first LP’s that I “rescued” from the Katrina debris. Despite a “warble” in the sound due to severe warping and ground-in mud, I have played it numerous times, and it sounds as great as ever. The album opens with what sounds like animal grunts (according to their website, the bandmembers were crowded around a mike chanting “Rush”), followed by a wild scream. Surprisingly, though, the songs that follow are quite mellow, with a hippie feel and some nice woodwinds. (December 2009) * * * I really didn’t expect to find anything on YouTube by this Beast, and I did have to hunt around quite a bit; but I finally stumbled onto several songs of theirs. None of them are videos; there is just a shot of the Beast album cover in each case. Apparently one person recorded every song on their first album, and others had recorded selected songs. The first song listed below is the opening cut on the album, which features chanting that sounds like animal grunts; the second is another good song that is a little different. If you like what you hear, there are plenty more that you could check out also. I haven’t ever heard another band that is quite like Beast – the nice woodwind work is rare enough in itself – but if you know of one, please let me know! (December 2011) * * * Anyway, here goes; these are the albums by Beast that I have, Beast and Higher . . . & . . . Higher; I found the second one first as it happens. (December 2012) |
Beast Album
Under Appreciated