UBANGI STOMP (The Trashmen)
“Ubangi Stomp” is an American rockabilly song. Written by Charles Underwood and first released on record by Warren Smith in 1956, the song did not chart, but went on to become a rockabilly standard, covered by many artists. The Trashmen released the song as a single in 1965. (More from Wikipedia)
The album cover for Ear-Piercing Punk was in day-glo pink, and the song titles and band names were typed on strips of paper in the manner of many genuine 1970’s punk rock compilation albums of that period. The album gave no clue as to its origin except for a “Made in U.S.A.” label; it was released by the fictitious Trash Records, and the only credit on the album was “Ripov Design–Ida No”. There was one clue for 1960’s rock fans though: The second track was “Ubangi Stomp” by the Trashmen, who were responsible for a delightfully peculiar surf rock hit in 1963 called “Surfin’ Bird”.
(April 2011)