"The Wanderer" is a song written by Ernie Maresca and originally recorded by Dion. The song, with a 12-bar blues-base verse and an eight-bar bridge, tells the story of a travelling man and his many loves. The song is ranked #239 on the Rolling Stone magazine's list of The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time. (More from Wikipedia)
The third issue of Who Put the Bomp was subtitled Whenever a Teenager Cries; whereas I grew up with the other two songs and loved them both, I wasn't familiar with this song. Their 1964 song "Whenever a Teenager Cries" was by one of Greg Shaw's favorite girl groups, Reparata & the Delrons. (I did find the song on YouTube, and it is another great one without a doubt).
The songwriter is Ernie Maresca; while I didn't really know that name either, I certainly know his work: He wrote or co-wrote several of the biggest hits by Dion, including "Runaround Sue", "The Wanderer" and "Donna the Prima Donna". Maresca was also the songwriter behind one of my own favorite lesser known early 1960's songs, "Party Girl" by Bernadette Carroll. I stumbled upon the song again on a compilation album not that long ago.
(May 2013)