Green Jellÿ (pronounced “green jello”) is an American comedy rock band formed in 1981. Originally named Green Jellö, the band changed its name due to legal pressure from the owners of the Jell-O trademark, Kraft Foods, who claimed that it was an infringement of their trademark. Despite the spelling difference, the new name and the old are pronounced identically. (More from Wikipedia)
Ugly Kid Joe, America’s Least Wanted – Like many of the CD’s that I got that day, my copy of America’s Least Wanted is missing the jewel-box booklet, so I hadn’t seen the album cover until just now: a cartoon drawing of a spiky-haired kid standing in for the Statue of Liberty, holding a porno magazine called Skin and flipping the bird, with the band’s name rendered in Green Jellö-style dripping letters.
(December 2015)