About the longest track “Deviation Street”, the website Music-news.com offers this description in its 2013 review of the Deviants’ album Ptooff!: “A heavy rock guitar blasts in and goes on for a little while, before all comes to a halt and [Mick] Farren’s voice reveals ‘A giant, talking CIA man smiles and hands out candy to the laughing hippies’ (chorus, mock laughter and a twaaang guitar sound in the background). Followed by ‘And a dirty old man peeps into the window of a “funny” bookshop’ (bizarre voices and laughter in the background), followed by ‘And the little children play war games in the gutter’ (machine gun sounds, aaaargh-I’m-dying-now sounds, shotgun blast, and loud applause in the background). This is a sonic theatre of the sarcastically and fantastically absurd!
“Music takes up again (make that screeching guitars), followed by muffled voices, and the chanting of ‘speed, speed, speed’ before the pace breaks again. Oh, did I mention we’re only just halfway through the track?
“OK . . . we then get to hear rock music again, with more chanting and percussion in the wings. Suddenly, Farren puts on a mock-African accent and, calypso-style, sings ‘I’ve been in dah banana boat all night long, chwalah-laah . . . I wanah get stoned . . .’ Right. That would explain a few things at least!
“After further musical oddities, he finishes with the conclusion, “And after all this, I’m sitting here, grooving to the spiritual patterns on my wall . . . ”
The quote finishes (if memory serves): “. . . and I believe I can say with perfect clarity that I am a complete and adequate human being”.