My Favorite Martian is an American television sitcom that aired on CBS from September 29, 1963, to May 1, 1966, for 107 episodes (75 in black and white 1963–1965, 32 color 1965–1966). The show starred Ray Walston as Uncle Martin (the Martian) and Bill Bixby as Tim O’Hara. John L. Greene created the central characters and developed the core format of this series, which was produced by Jack Chertok. (More from Wikipedia)
“Rip Van Winkle” wasn’t as good as a later novelty hit that I absolutely loved – “Martian Hop” by the Ran-Dells – and I had a connection there also: There was a TV show called My Favorite Martian where the Martian (played by Ray Walston) was named “Uncle Martin”. There weren’t too many Martin’s in the world back then, at least that I knew about. I even created little antennae (bent from the wire that bound the newspapers together for my paper route) that I wore behind my ears to class; they were supposed to be like the ones that would rise up from Walston’s head from time to time when he was doing his Martian thing.
(March 2012)