Meanwhile, I have a 3-CD player in the same unit, so I started playing CD’s again, including several that had been sitting around unopened for so many months. One trio of CD’s that I put on started off with Laugh in the Dark, the first album by the Invisible Eyes; followed by Iggy and the Stooges’ Open Up and Bleed!, billed as “The Great Lost Stooges Album?” and the eponymous CD, Les Hell on Heels by Les Hell on Heels. That turned out to be an absolutely thunderous combination of albums that occurred quite by accident; I have played that set of CD’s (usually in the same order) a half dozen times at least in the week and a half ever since; I have put them on right now.
(December 2012)
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Coming next in the catalogue number sequence is the best of the albums in The Iguana Chronicles, Open Up and Bleed!. I have mentioned this album before, first because it happened to show up in my CD rack bookended by the CD’s for two of my favorite past UARB’s, the Invisible Eyes (Laugh in the Dark) and Les Hell on Heels (Les Hell on Heels). The CD player on one of my turntables can take three at a time, so I played that trio of albums many times.
(December 2017)