Kevin Bacon (born July 8, 1958) is an American actor and musician whose films include musical-drama film Footloose (1984), the controversial historical conspiracy legal thriller JFK (1991), the legal drama A Few Good Men (1992), the historical docudrama Apollo 13 (1995) and the mystery drama Mystic River (2003). He starred on the Fox television series The Following until its cancellation on May 8th, 2015. Bacon was named by The Guardian as one of the best actors never to have received an Academy Award nomination. Bacon has also become an icon for the concept of interconnectedness (as in social networks), having been popularized by the game “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon”. (More from Wikipedia)
Fergie Frederiksen has also enjoyed a long, prosperous and highly varied career in music; Tom Demalon of Allmusic has written of him: “If a music fan was desiring to create a game similar to the one based upon actor Kevin Bacon and his seemingly endless ties to other actors, singer Fergie Frederiksen might find himself to be a suitable candidate.”
(October 2012)