“I’ve Got a Feeling” is a song by the Beatles, from the 1970 album Let It Be. It is one of the songs on the album from the Beatles’ rooftop concert. It is a combination of two unfinished songs: Paul McCartney’s “I’ve Got a Feeling”, and John Lennon’s “Everybody Had a Hard Year”. (More from Wikipedia)
For myself, some tacky items stood out when I scanned the changes made in Let it Be . . . Naked that are listed in Wikipedia; they seem to go beyond adjusting whatever Phil Spector had added to the recordings. For “Dig a Pony”, Wikipedia states: “[The] error in second verse (the ‘because’ in [John] Lennon’s vocal track) [was] digitally corrected.” Similarly, in “Two of Us”, a “minor error in Lennon’s acoustic guitar performance [was] digitally corrected.” One of the live tracks, “I’ve Got a Feeling” is actually composed of “[a] composite edit of two takes from the rooftop concert”. After reading this, I have an image in my mind of a high school art student touching up an old master.
(September 2017)