Happy Days is an American television sitcom that aired first-run from January 15, 1974, to September 24, 1984, on ABC. The show was originally based on a segment from ABC’s Love, American Style titled “Love and the Television Set” featuring future cast members Ron Howard, Marion Ross and Anson Williams. Created by Garry Marshall, the series presents an idealized vision of life in the mid-1950s to mid-1960s United States. The series was produced by Miller-Milkis Productions (Miller-Milkis-Boyett Productions in later years) and Henderson Productions in association with Paramount Television. Happy Days was one of the highest-rated shows of the 1970s. (More from Wikipedia)
Suzi Quatro was signed by Mickie Most to RAK Records in 1971 and moved to England, where she embarked on a successful solo career. She is the first female bass guitarist to become a rock star. Her albums presented Suzi Quatro alternately as confrontational – Your Mamma Won’t Like Me – and girl-next-door cute – If you Knew Suzi . . . . Suzi Quatro is probably best known to American audiences for her role as Leather Tuscadero on the TV series Happy Days; the character was the younger sister of Fonzie’s girlfriend, Pinky Tuscadero. On occasion, Suzi Quatro gave a musical performance on the TV show.
(October 2013)