Boyskout, this month’s Under-Appreciated Rock Band are pretty open about being a lesbian band – they used the term “rad queer band” in one interview. Though neither their Allmusic write-up nor the Bomp! Records packaging mentions this. the name of the last song on the album, “Girl on Girl Action” gives it away if you hadn’t already figured it out.
Like the women’s music pioneers before them, there is hardly any sexuality on the Boyskout songs; and anyone can enjoy this CD, which sounds great on the first spin and only gets better over time. Even on “Girl on Girl Action”, the sexy mood of the breathey vocals is undercut by a very slow rendition of the iconic quote from the chorus of “Is That All There Is?”: “If that’s all there is, my friends, then let’s keep dancing / Let’s break out the booze and have a ball”.
(January 2014)