Fender Musical Instruments Corporation (FMIC), commonly referred to simply as Fender, is an American manufacturer of stringed instruments and amplifiers. It is known for its solid-body electric guitars and bass guitars, such as the Stratocaster (also known as the “Strat”), Telecaster (also known as the “Tele”), Precision Bass (also known as the “P-Bass”), and the Jazz Bass (also known as the “J-Bass”). (More from Wikipedia)
While not a surf band (though they have a guitar-driven sound), the Fendermen are a long-time favorite of mine that also hit in 1960. Jim Sundquist and Phil Humphrey came from two different towns and had the same birthday; they met when they were teenagers. The name is taken from the Fender guitars that each man played, both plugged into the same amplifier.
(December 2014)
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Her work for Quincy Jones so impressed him that, in his 2001 autobiography Q, he wrote (as quoted in Wikipedia): “. . . women like . . . Fender bass player Carol Kaye . . . could do anything and leave men in the dust”.
(February 2015)