“F--k Her Gently” is a 2001 Tenacious D song. It is the sixth track on their self titled album. (More from Wikipedia)
Rolling Stone’s article provides reflections from some of the rock artists involved in the PMRC controversy. Twisted Sister’s Dee Snider has this to say: “Everything I represented, stood for and said back then, I have lived and stand by today. . . . I practice self-censorship. When my own family got into Tenacious D, the first album [Tenacious D], including my little daughter who was only eight, I made a special tape for her without ‘F--k Her Gently’ on it ’cause she wasn’t ready for ‘F--k Her Gently’. But she clearly listened [to] ‘Wonderboy’ and the other songs her brothers were listening to. This is hands-on parenting and everything I stood for.”
(June 2016)