Dr. Crow is a studio album by Mick Farren and friends released in 2002 under the name The Deviants. The album was recorded with longtime friends and collaborators Andy Colquhoun and Jack Lancaster and featured Wayne Kramer’s backing band. Former Motörhead drummer Phil “Philthy Animal” Taylor guests on one track. The 2004 release on the Japanese label Captain Trip Records differs slightly, as it adds two tracks (covers of “Strawberry Fields Forever” and “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.”) and uses a different running order and artwork (the latter still featuring the Dr. Crow character drawn by Edward Barker). (More from Wikipedia)
Other live albums, plus several retrospective albums by the Deviants followed – This Vinyl is Condemned and This CD is Condemned (depending on the format), The Deviants Have Left the Planet, On Your Knees, Earthlings!!!, etc. – along with what turned out to be the coda, the 2002 CD Dr. Crow.
(March 2014/1)