CBS News Sunday Morning is an American newsmagazine television program that has aired on CBS since January 28, 1979. Created by Robert Northshield and original host Charles Kuralt, the 90-minute program currently airs Sundays from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. Eastern and Pacific Time (8:00 to 9:30 a.m. in all other time zones). The current host of the program is Charles Osgood, who took over duties from Kuralt upon his retirement on April 3, 1994, and has since surpassed Kuralt’s tenure as host. Substitute anchors for Osgood include CBS correspondents Lee Cowan, Anthony Mason, Charlie Rose, and Jane Pauley. (More from Wikipedia)
I heard the other day on CBS Sunday Morning that CD’s are barely 60% of the music market now, with most of the remainder being sold digitally. On the other hand, vinyl sales were up to 14% last year, and it isn’t all nostalgia that is driving these sales either – a lot of young people are discovering the joys of LP’s. Some people are now putting their music collections “in the cloud” and then somehow accessing it over the Internet; as painful as it was to lose my collection to Katrina, I cannot imagine doing that myself.
(November 2012)
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The Black Keys in fact have become so mainstream that I was astounded to see the band profiled last year on the CBS Sunday Morning show that is hosted by Charles Osgood. During their interview, the bandmembers mentioned that their music has also been featured in numerous TV ads. That used to be seen as the ultimate sell-out, but no longer.
(January 2013)
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No rock music fan could fail to notice that other musical forms have been pushing rock and roll from the musical mainstream; this is particularly true over the past 20 to 25 years. Country, hip hop, boy bands, teen pop – all of these musical genres and more arose, expanded or were revived over this period, and yet a poll shown on the CBS Sunday Morning television program still shows rock music as being America’s favorite, though not by much: At the moment, rock edges out country by 23% to 21%.
(May 2013)
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There is a great story in Keith Richards’ autobiography, Life about a chance meeting that he had with Mick Jagger; I saw something on TV about it also, probably on CBS Sunday Morning. In a series called Letters of Note that was printed (or reprinted) in The Huffington Post is this section of a letter that Keith Richards wrote to his aunt about this meeting – I think the very next day:
“You know I was keen on Chuck Berry and I thought I was the only fan for miles but one mornin’ on Dartford Stn. [that’s so I don’t have to write a long word like station] I was holding one of Chuck’s records when a guy I knew at primary school 7-11 yrs y’know came up to me. He’s got every record Chuck Berry ever made and all his mates have too, they are all rhythm and blues fans, real R&B I mean (not this Dinah Shore, Brook Benton crap) Jimmy Reed, Muddy Waters, Chuck, Howlin’ Wolf, John Lee Hooker all the Chicago bluesmen real lowdown stuff, marvelous. Bo Diddley he’s another great.