Bill Saluga

Bill Saluga  (born September 16, 1937) is an American comedian.  Born in Youngstown, Ohio, he was a founding member, along with Fred Willard, Michael Mislove, George Memmoli, and Patti Deutsch of the improvisational comedy troupe Ace Trucking Company.  Saluga has appeared on several television programs, including Seinfeld, and is co-author of Bill Saluga’s Name Game Book.  (More from Wikipedia)

Bob Dylan’s Christian hit song Gotta Serve Somebody is a litany of people in various fields and various places in their lives who have to make that choice.  In this song, Dylan shows that he hasn’t lost his sense of humor:  In the final verse, he lists names instead, including two of his own nicknames – “You may call me Bobby, you may call me Zimmy” (taken from his original surname Zimmerman) – and then two from a comedy shtick of the day – “You may call me R.J., you may call me Ray” – that is, the character Ray J. Johnson, Jr. that was created by Bill Saluga.  


(August 2014)


Last edited: March 22, 2021