Eager Boy Album

Under Appreciated

On an impluse, I ordered another Norton Records LP at the same time as the Hasil Adkins album White Light/White Meat, which is a 2010 compilation of a man from northern Louisiana who calls himself the Lonesome Drifter called Eager Boy (subtitled:  “Rockabilly and Hillbilly Bop from the Vaults of Ram Records 1958-59!”). 
The Lonesome Drifter has some lovely reminiscences within the liner notes on the Eager Boy LP; they conclude:  “The last show I did was in 1960.  Margaret Lewis and all of them were on the bill.  Like I said, I was a loner.  I’d do my thing and cut and run.  We used this fiddle player that night, and on the second song, he sounded like he was skinning a cat!  I put my guitar across my shoulder and I quit right there.  Pawned my guitar.  I’ve regretted it ever since.  But that played into the mindset of the Lonesome Drifter, no good, a down and outer.  I guess it added some to the mystery about me.” 
(May 2011)
Last edited: March 22, 2021