From a Buick 6

Highly Appreciated


“From a Buick 6”  is a song by Bob Dylan from his album Highway 61 Revisited, which was also released as a single on the B-side of “Positively 4th Street”.  It was recorded on July 30, 1965.  (More from Wikipedia)
One last Bob Dylan story, and then I’ll move on:  I was walking through a big record show (I think it was one in San Francisco that featured many non-record items also – one item that I remember is a wrapper for Beatles bumble gum that was all ripped up and priced at $20).  I saw a copy of Highway 61 Revisited – the album that has Like a Rolling Stone on it – and I could not for the life of me tell any difference between that album and the one that I own.  I then turned to the vendor and said, “Okay, I give up; why is this album worth $125?”  It turns out that some copies of the album have an alternate take of “From a Buick 6; the only way to tell is to look for a “-1” at the end of the number that is printed on the vinyl disc itself.  
 (April 2012)
Last edited: March 22, 2021